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Legal Notice

The content of this website is for informational purposes only, and the issuer does not assume any contractual obligation for the information contained herein.

Asmain provides information related to its activities, products, and services on its web pages.

(I) The information provided by Asmain should be considered by the user as an introduction and not as a decisive element for decision-making. Asmain disclaims all responsibility for the use of such information in this regard. Specifically, it should be understood that this information, subject to current regulations in Spain, is not intended for users acting under other jurisdictions that require different compliance for the provision, disclosure, or advertising of financial services and/or products.

(II) Asmain reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information contained on, and may limit or deny access to such information without prior notice. Particularly, Asmain reserves the right to remove, limit, or prevent access to its website when technical difficulties arise from events or circumstances beyond Asmain's control, which, in its opinion, diminish or nullify the standard security levels adopted for the proper functioning of this website.

(III) Under no circumstances will Asmain be responsible for any losses, damages, or harm of any kind arising from accessing and using the website, including but not limited to those affecting computer systems or caused by the introduction of viruses and/or cyberattacks. Asmain will also not be responsible for any damages users may suffer from improper use of this website and, in any case, for outages, interruptions, absence, or defects in telecommunications.

(IV) Asmain does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of information not created by itself and indicated as sourced from elsewhere, nor of information contained on other websites linked via hyperlinks or links from, provided to the user as alternative sources of information. These are governed by the terms and conditions of use required by the owners of such websites. Therefore, Asmain assumes no responsibility for any hypothetical damages that may arise from using said information. In no case will such hyperlinks be considered as recommendations, sponsorships, or endorsements by Asmain of the information, products, and/or services, or general content owned by third parties, offered by them, or in any way disclosed by them.

(V) Asmain is not responsible for possible discrepancies, on a temporary basis, between printed document versions and the electronic versions of such documents published on its web pages.

(VI) The entire website, including its components (texts, images, trademarks, logos, audio files, software files, color combinations), as well as the structure, selection, and order of its contents, is protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations, and cannot be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred, or transformed, or any other form of unauthorized dissemination. Access to this website does not grant users any rights or ownership over the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the contents hosted on this website.

Asmain reserves the right to take legal action against users who violate or infringe intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

(VII) The owner of this website is the company Asian Marine International, S.L., with its address in Madrid, Calle de la Pinilla, nº 91, 28023, and C.I.F. B84469485. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 21931, Book 0, Folio 174, Section B, Page M39083, Entry 1 on Folio 88 of Book 586 of Companies, Entry 1. Contact email:


Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit our website. These cookies can be managed by us or by third parties.

Entity Managing the Cookies:

The cookies used on our website are managed by Asian Marine International, S.L. and authorized third parties.

Types of Cookies We Use:

According to the Entity that Manages Them:

First-Party Cookies: These are sent to the user's device from a computer or domain managed by us.
Third-Party Cookies: These are sent to the user's device from a computer or domain not managed by us, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

According to the Time They Remain Active:

Session Cookies: These collect and store data while the user accesses our website and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed.
Persistent Cookies: These remain stored on the user's device for a predetermined period.

According to Their Purpose:

Technical Cookies: These are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and allow the user to use the different options and services we offer.

Personalization Cookies: These allow us to tailor the website to the user's preferences (e.g., language).

Analytics Cookies: These allow us to analyze user behavior on our website and obtain statistical information to improve our services.

Advertising Cookies: These allow us to manage advertising spaces and offer relevant advertising content to the user.

Managing Cookies:

The user can configure their browser to not accept the use of cookies, but this may limit the functionality of our website. By accessing our website, the user accepts the use of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy. At any time, the user can change their browser settings to manage or disable the use of cookies. For more information on the use of cookies, please refer to our privacy policy.

Contact Information:

Asian Marine International, S.L.
Calle de la Pinilla, nº 91, 28023 Madrid
C.I.F B84469485



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